Monday, January 30, 2006

5th weekend of 2006

This could be boring to some, so read at your own risk.....

I must say it is difficult to try to keep this blog up regularly. Not only do I not have much to talk about but I don't always have the time to write what there IS to talk about.

Let me sum up my latest experiences for you; They have been good ones. (with the exception of getting a year older).

Last week was my birthday and I turned 37! Wow!

I guess I'm still looking fair for "my age". Am I at the age where I should be saying that? I need to get a haircut, get a tan and lose 15 lbs. I know I can do the first two.

I was certainly smaller before the love of my life came (that would be Charles) . I am much curvier and I luckily got something "up top" but the "bottom" came with them also! I walked/jogged on a fairly regular schedule last year but then blew it all during the holidays (which I love!). I want to go today but there is rain coming (very slowly) and I really don't want to be caught in it. So here I am blogging and procrastinating about walking. I should do my Claudia Schiffer "best buns" workout when I am done here.

Soooooooo, anyway our deadline at the magazine was last week. I designed the color scheme of the cover, designed several new ads and updated the arts calendar, entertainment calendar and client address lists. You can check out the cover (or entire magazine) at my link www. Sometimes I design the whole cover and sometimes I just come up with the color scheme and Heike (editor) does the rest. Either way I usually have a big part of it. Sometimes a hindrance, she has had a certain "style" that she doesn't like to sway from.

We finished that with little complications. Our next task is to sell and design the directory for the Palm Bay Art Festival and the HUGE Melbourne Art Festival. Just for the record; Palm Bay businesses are cheap and don't like to fork out to help themselves or show support for their town with the exception of Palm Bay Marina, Pelican Harbour and Liberty Tax Prep.

I volunteered in the library in place of someone who could not make it. I LOVE working in the "media center" as it is now called. It is quiet for the most part and there is lots of stuff to do to keep you busy. I used to work in the library at Edgewater High School in 11th and 12th grades and loved IT so I am accustomed to what goes on. My main tasks at Indialantic are to check in/check out books, put away books and fill teacher requests like copying and laminating (which I learned last week). The kids all have numbers that they universally use for lunch and the library. All you do is ask them their numbers and scan their books like a cashier would scan your groceries. Totally easy and rather fun!!

On Friday while I was volunteering, they held the spelling be for the 4th grade and up. The last two words were hydraulic and seismograph. The winning student will represent us in the next step of the spelling bee. They video taped this and broadcast it live throughout the school. (Charles told me later that day he saw me in the background). I drank coffee and finished the tasks Mrs. Nolan (library lady) had for me.

We had a pretty lazy Saturday day. Eventually Charles and I made our way up to the park down the street ironically named, Orlando Park and played. Its a hit or miss with kids down there. Sometimes they are there and sometimes they aren't. Well this time they weren't so I ended up playing tag with Charles for about 30 minutes and then rested on the park bench admiring what a nice day it was and how nice it is to have a park this pretty and safe right down the street! It has basketball courts, lots of playthings, and a beautiful gazebo with a picnic table. We need to have a picnic down here sometime. They even have a grill

It is only a 5 min walk to the river where there is a park bench and a very little stream. We spent some time there looking for river creatures and admiring that scenery.

We went home and I took a shower to get ready for the evening. My neighbor Judy came over. She had invited me to a play at the "very old" Henegar Center. I think it used to be a High School and it is a very BEAUTIFUL building with dated architecture and huge windows. We had planned to go to Meg o Malleys for dinner beforehand but when we got there at 6:45 there was already an hour wait. Maybe because of the show. Megs is within walking distance of the theater and they are both downtown where I work. The strip really reminds me of "old" Park Ave. in Winter Park with it's antiques shops and unique restaurants. It was really hoppin' this particular night so we decided to hit a new place neither one of us had been to called The Mainstreet Pub. We walked in and apparently they had a main pub, an outdoor terrace and an upstairs bar. We opted for the outdoor terrace since it was a dash quieter and nicely lit with tiki torches and xmas lights. We both ordered margaritas and the crab & artichoke appetizer and chatted. For dinner she ordered a roast beef sandwich and I had the Beef & Bleu salad. Dinner was fresh and yummy. It allowed us plenty of time to socialize and eat unrushed. By the time we were done it was 7:45 and the show started at 8 so we left and walked to the Henegar Center.

The show was entitled "Forever Plaid" and contained 4 bow tie/dinner jacket clad guys and 3 musicians-piano, bass and drums. It was basically about 4 singers from the 50's who died in an accident and came back to life on stage deciding if they wanted to stay and sing or go to heaven. They stayed for a while singing quartets like;
Catch a Falling Star
Dream Along with Me
Heart and Soul
Jamaica Farewell
Love is a many splendored thing
Matilda (really cute and audience participation)
Papa loves Mambo
Rags to Riches
She Loves You
Three Coins in the Fountain
Sh Boom
and More

Now mind you, I am (cough) not from that "decade" and I didn't know many of the songs but it was enjoyable. So enjoyable I almost fell asleep. At least during certain parts. It's elevator music. The guys were nice looking, the set was well designed-given the size of the theater, and the music was good. On some songs, people were really applauding so it must have been pretty close to the real thing. I guess the gold sweater had something to do with Perry Como. I figure I have heard his songs somewhere or sometime. I just didn't remember what floor I was on....... I thought of a few people who would have enjoyed this more than me. Luckily Judy was one of them!

I was hoping for a little quicker intermission but the show came back on and they got a little crazier doing Mambo and Beatles and stuff. It ended with them walking up to heaven on a staircase behind this "foggy" curtain.

I really do like seeing shows. This one's to you Nanny!! My great grandmother would always take me to church and to see plays at the Orlando Science Center (or right next door). I didn't always want to go but always seemed to enjoy it anyway. I think she would have really loved this one! The history of the building and the era of the play went hand in hand. Felt like I stepped back in time!

Sunday, we went to Red Lobster for Lunch. Me-fried platter (REALLY shouldn't have), Jerome-Jumbo Shrimp (scampi & fried), Charles-Crab legs/fries.

Stuffed (and with a doggie bag) we went grocery shopping (best time) and found boneless chicken breasts (pkg of 3) marked down to $1 each!
For the record: Winn Dixie in Indialantic/Indian Harbour Beach. Meat section. Will let you know when we eat them. Hoping meat standards are strict for selling. Checking news for recalls.

Anyway.......we bought 4 packages to freeze. What a deal! Went home and did laundry. Charles and I later went to the tennis courts and practiced against the racquetball wall and ran a lap or two around the track. He has his own kids tennis racket (thrift store) and he loved it! Came home and cooked steak/potato for Mac and steak/salad for me. Went to bed discouraged after seeing there was a repeat on Desperate Housewives.

Feeling Sentence: . Appreciating all that I can still do and enjoy in life


Bobby said...

Thank you for taking the time to update your blog. Believe it or not, I do check it daily to see what is going on back home. For those of us, far away, we appreciate your dedication.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know Bobby from spin and we love him!(my husband and everyone else) I put together the signed picture for a going away gift. I checked out your Blog sight from a comment made to Bobby.
I want to thank you for the poem, Butterfly.I am putting together a 21st B-day book for my son. April fools day is his day! BTW, just tell your mother in law your favorite cake and I'm sure she will get those men in your life to go out there and buy it! No more pepridge farm cakes! My husband and I have a saying, "If it happens it will be in Palm Bay".That place is crazy!
We have a place on Grant Farm Island, not far away.
Thanks again,B.