Sunday, January 15, 2006

Walk For Life

I enjoy walking/jogging. Especially around here. (Indialantic, FL)

I have a Nike Michael Jordan sport mp3 player and I absolutely couldn't walk with out it. I really enjoy getting into the music. I like upbeat techno normally but I switch it up with a little rock here and there. I started out on Tuesday, January 10, and it was a beautiful day. About 65 degrees.

I go over the Hwy 192 bridge and back. It's a little over 3 miles. It's my own little man-made mountain. On the way, there is a little park with a gazebo and a water fountain. I usually stop, stretch and get a drink of water before I start. It is also the first view of the Indian River which the bridge crosses over. It is extremely calm and there were birds of all kinds sitting out on the water probably enjoying the weather too. There were also two cranes (birds) of some sort. Maybe the were protected ones. Im not sure.

So I get over the bridge and am returning back over the bridge. The view is stupendous! I will have to bring my camera one day. A lone sailboat is traveling south on the Indian River leaving a long trail the shape of a triangle. The sun is shining and I had some sort of techno mix of "Every thing's gonna be all right". A real happy upbeat song. Anyway, I got some sort of happiness euphoria cause the view was breathtaking. I am at the top of the mountain looking down. The "I'm so going to blog this" thought came to mind.

There's something about being ABOVE the flying seagulls that is really neat. I usually see at least one dolphin on every walk and now I look every time and always hope to see one. Sometimes I see families of dolphins which is sooo cool! I eventually spot one off in the distance and continue on my walk to enjoy the fresh air and beauty of my coastal little area knowing that I am doing my body (mind & heart) a bit of good.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

I love that you stop to take it in. That is my goal for 2006, to stop and take things in. I don't think I will be home much in 2006, but I want to walk with you over the bridge, and share that with you. Sounds heavenly! Thank you for sharing...