Friday, May 05, 2006


Buenos cinco de Mayo mi familia!

Not much to blog about as usual. Today consisted of volunteering in the Media Center at school from 8 am to 10:30 and then I went to the classroom to help escort the kids down the street to have lunch at our local mexican restaurant, Cantina dos Amigos. It was our classroom and one other and for the most part it went pretty smooth. It's really funny to hear the little kids talk sometimes. They tell you the funniest stories. One little boy and I were talking about the Myan ruins in Mexico and he said some guy died going up them cause his "heart quit". He also proceeded to tell me that his mom has a heart problem and if he scares her her "heart hurts". Damn, I know this woman and I was sorry to hear that. They are really nice people. Thomas, the little boy telling me all this actually has terets syndrome which unfortunately I don't know much about. They are "well off" people and live in a large home around the corner. I have learned through the trials of others that unfortunatly, there are some things money can't buy. Hey isn't that a mastercard commercial. . .

I went to work after that and now I am POOPED. Relaxing tonight. We are taking Charles to Orlando tomorrow to go to the Orlando Science Center. He wanted to go there for his birthday but we minorly changed the plans so now he will get to go. Seems like I was always there as a kid. If I wasnt at the Theatre with Nanny watching young drama students then I was at the Science center playing with all the experiments or I was a teenager reclining in a chair to watch the Police-Synchronicity lazer light show in a drunken stupor.

Well no beer this time and it costs 15 something for adults and not much less for kids. I wonder what could be there to encur this worth? I am curious to find out. I wonder if they have a tram and a guy in a dancing alien costume. Either way, it will bring back wonderful childhood memories and I'm sure Charles will have a blast. (ANYTHING but video games PLEASE).

There are fire alerts now. It is that time of the season. Very dry and hot. The Beachline (what they call the B-Line now) and I-95 have recently been shut down due to the visibility from the smoke. I'm praying we don't have to deal with that tomorrow.

Charles went to the dentist and the doctor on Thursday. Poor kid. We kept him out of school but he likes it AND his teacher so much he wanted to go back to school after the dentist. I had to literally talk him out of it - I hope THAT sticks. All was good with the checkups. No cavities but he is to brush, brush, brush the molars cause if he did get one, that's where it would be. They also told him to floss. Right. My Mother told me for years to floss and I didn't start doing it until one day someone told me I had bad breath. Then my Mom told me to (this is sick) floss and smell it...... GROSS!! That's all it took. Try it sometime.

Hey I ran across an article about the history of my building. They showed a picture of the outside taken in 1925 and there was my office window!!! How cool!!!!!! Here is the article if you care to read it.:

Construction of "my building" began in Jan. 1925 at the height of the Florida building boom. A contracting firm was hired to erect (interesting verb) the building. While a park called Campbell Park had previously occupied the space, building this structure seriously diminished the size of the park.
Construction had been under way only a month when the owners decided that instead of a 2-story building, it would be a 3-story structure. The 3rd story would be a hotel the owners stated.
With work going on, Campbell Park was virtually abandoned by the horseshoe players, who moved to a vacant lot west of the local "Newspaper" Building. However, the local Municipal band continued presenting concerts in the evenings on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the park in the bandstand.
The building was estimated to cost $50,000. In May 1925, it was predicted that the tenants of the building would be able to move in by Nov. 1. But work sped up due to the construction of another similar building nearby. They feared the loss of tenants.
Upon opening on June 4, 1925, the ground floor tenants included a jewelry story, shoe store, ready to wear shop, a real estate office, a telegraph company and a barbershop. The upper floors were not finished but were being reserved for lawyers, doctors and other professional tenants.
Although smaller, the park continued to exist. During the depression, gopher races replaced the horseshoe games.

GOPHER RACES???? Did you taste the history???

A big THANK YOU to all of you who made my little guys birthday so great. He thanks you for the birthday money, cards and phone calls (and we have tried to call some of you to say so). He was encouraged to spend some of his birthday money on one video game and 2 toys and the rest was deposited for his future. (Your thoughfullness was greatly appreciated by more than one)


1 comment:

Bobby said...

Well, not that I am bragging, but there are tons of museums and planatariums up here to still visit...

and some of them you just make a donation!!!

He can't spend my birthday check on the video game until he reads that book I sent, the one autographed by the author!

Have fun in Orlando..I will be working... working like a dog...

I got the package...THANK YOU!