Saturday, November 11, 2006


Today Mom christened her boat! Charles, Jerome and I went along. There is a place down near the inlet called Honest Johns Fish Camp. It is set back in the glades. As you are driving up, you cant help but remember the guy sitting on the porch with a banjo in the backwoods movie Deliverance. This picture looks like where we were paddling but it was just the 3 of us alone in nature!

Honest Johns rents kayaks and also allows you to put your boats in there. It is only $6 an hour to rent a kayak. Jerome and Charles got a 2 person "sit in" one, I had my own "sit in", and Mom brought her "sit upon". They charged her $5 to put hers in.

The weather couldn't have been prettier. The wind was calm, it was warm but not hot and the sun was dodging behind the clouds now and then. We set out alone and explored. We mainly saw various birds at first but eventually the dolphins came out and were the highlight of our day.

It was really easy to paddle and the boat didn't feel wobbly or anything. It was such a treat to be in the middle of a lagoon with NO NOISE POLLUTION. Just the sound of the wildlife and an occasional "blow" from a nearby dolphin. SOO Peaceful. Jerome and Charles enjoyed themselves but I think Mom and I got the most out of it. I am absolutely HOOKED and will be doing it much more often hopefully with company. It would be so very easy to take a bigger cooler with lunch. Even if you drift with the boats together and eat on the water. So far, we felt it in our wrists (Mom & I) and your butt gets tired after about 2 hours so a break would be nice. We weren't quite sure what to expect today but we packed light and went with open minds. Weather could certainly be a factor if you didnt pay attention.

Jerome and I WILL eventually buy a kayak but we really need to test the different types. I have yet to try a "sit upon". Heck, with the rentals only being $6/hr. it saves a lot of hassle loading and unloading the kayak. . . Just ask Mom.



Bobby said...

Sounds like great fun! We will have to do that this summer when I come down for my annual visit!

Annette said...

Sounds like you had a really good time. A nice family time, a family that plays together stays together.
Enjoy, enjoy!

Annette said...

I like this the way it reads is nice and the picture is great