Saturday, March 04, 2006

Local women eat, drink & dance to the tune of $20,000

(An article in our local news paper)

Teachers, mothers, and other women from Indialantic put a new spin on "Ladies Night Out."

These seaside matrons kicked up their heels at the recently opened Crowne Plaze Hotel, located on Highway A1A, not just for the fun of it, but for a good cause.

The ladies of the one-square-mile town gathered to raise money for the Indialantic Elementary School's technology department.

Technology is widely considered a cornerstone of public education. But paying for the constant improvements needed to keep up with today's ever-changing workplace is an ongoing concern of educators throughout the community.

The teachers at Indialantic Elementary decided to help their students and the women of their oceanfront community by holding their own unique event.

On Thursday, Feb. 23, the faculty, staff and parents of the school hosted the "Ladies Night Out" fundraiser.

Co-chairs Holly Baney and Shelley Johnson led the committee organizing the event, which was a huge success and raised more than $10,000 just at the door.

"We have to thank our major sponsors for all they did," said Marci Bratman, who was one of the organizers of the event.

Both community businesses and longtime residents each pitched in to help. More than 50 area businesses and residents sponsored the event, including Stuart's Bistro, Genna Jewelers, The Yellow Dog Café and Robinson Insurance.

The event, which was attended by more than 200 women from throughout Brevard, was also sponsored by Unversal Studios and Donald Trump.

Under the soft lights of the new beachside hotel's grand ballroom, ladies from the community enjoyed dinner, music and took part in a silent auction, which featured the work of local artist Kathleen Gillon.

"It was really rockin' with the ladies," said Ms. Bratman.

The women of the community also bid during a live auction for the coveted positions of principal for the day and P.E. teacher for the day, which went for more than $400 each. Students whose parents won the bidding will work directly with the school's principal and P.E. instructor for one day.

The event sold-out early in the evening, and while final totals were not yet known, organizers said they expected to raise nearly $20,000 for school computers.

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