Monday, October 01, 2007


Why is it that when I call the 800 number on the ATM for service after my card fails to work at 2 banks the lady tells me, "They are probably out of money"?

Why is it that when I call the Cable company to let them know our remote will not fast forward, stop or anything on the DVR but it will do everything else, the lady tells me, "It is probably broken".

Why is it that you have to figure out just HOW to get a real person when you call an (apparently too busy) company?

Why is it that when I went to the Dollar General and used a $2 off coupon on a $2 box of triscuits, it managed to confuse the clerks and hold up the line making me look like the idiot?

Why is it that whenever I go to Winn Dixie (or any grocery store) that I have to carefully watch them scan in the items because it never fails that they over charge me for something?

Feel free to leave your own "why is it"

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