Thursday, January 24, 2008


(click on comic to see larger view).

New York Post
January 24, 2008 -- A Venus-Pluto aspect on your birthday will bring out your passionate side - yes, you do have one! Whether you get passionate about a person, an idea or about a cause of some kind you will put everything into it and you won't tolerate anything but total and utter success. Failure is not an option.

You cut through restrictions and make your own rules this year. The next 10 weeks represents a slow transformation, and the positive changes are lasting. Check out a self-employment opportunity in April. Traveling and socializing are featured in July. Summer education brings greater financial freedom. Libra and Scorpio adore you.

Ahhh, those sound positive. So far today I woke up (thank goodness), took Charles to school then came home and lazily watched some of my programs. One of them was that show about the lie detector test. It was ok, but they try to build up the suspense too much. You know, the drama music, the waiting, the panning to family members. .. .

The magazine was uploaded yesterday so I have a few days of rest from that. Then I went to treat myself to a pedicure (the $20 from Annette helped that out) but not before stopping at Wal-mart in search of some deals. I bought myself some long pants ( I currently only own 3 pairs that I like), some CUTE black bermuda shorts, a large black leather purse for $2 and 2 bras - one black and one white. The white was was only $2 too. Don't ya love a bargain? Then I went and got myself a roast beef sub with lite mayo, pickles, tomatos, lettuce and banana peppers from subway. I'll eat 1/2 for lunch today and 1/2 for lunch tomorrow.

When I got home, I put my bathing suit on and layed out for about an hour whilst munching on my sub. Then I used one of my gift certificates to a tanning salon across the street for a little more "artificial" sunshine since the sun isnt so strong now.

Tonight the 3 of us are planning on going to Red Lobster (with a gift card) and I already know what I am going to have; The pick 3 with Coconut Shrimp (my favorite), crab alfredo and crab legs so I can add more crab to the alfredo. I will also have a salad with bleu cheese and brocolli as a side. I really love the mashed potatoes but not with the pasta. Carb overload. However, knowing my luck Jerome won't eat his and he will offer them to me and I won't be able to turn them down.

Charles will more than likely have crab legs and fries. His usual. I am going to have to tell Charles to tell the waitress that it is my bday in hopes of a free dessert. . .


Annette said...

Hope you had a great birthday.
Hope to see you soon.
39 and holding!

Charlene said...

Actually, Charles said he wanted crab legs, clams & shrimp so I ordered my pic 3 w/ fries, shared the crab legs, gave him the fries and ordered a Outer Banks Sampler so he could have the clams and I could have the scallops and lobster stuffed mushrooms. Jerome also gave Charles his cesear salad. We were stuffed! Jerome got the waitresses to sing happy bday but no free dessert. :o(

Thank you everyone for the nice cards & phone calls. You made my day even more special.

Bobby said...

I have been so friggin busy! I am so sorry! I have your bday on my really cute calendar and I totally forgot to send a card or call. Don't Hate Me!

Happy Birthday!!!